【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바
【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

Is this what it is?’These words represent Namgoong Sangwook’s comp

licated inner feelings in one word. Deep black eyes like black pearls, eb

ony-like hair that cascades down her back, and pure white skin. Althoug

h she had not lived very long, and had even met the Samhwa of Murim,

who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the current martial arts

world, this was her first time seeing a woman of this level of beauty.

“Are you hurt anywhere? To be in such a remote place with the body of

a woman… … ”The girl couldn’t respond to Namgung Sang-wook’s word

s. In front of her was a nobleman wearing strange clothes and with his h

air tied up. The man just now, as well as this nobleman, were wearing dou

【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

bles that I had never seen before. Even if we ignore the clothes of the man

who attacked him because they are old, the clothes of this Confucius in fro

nt of us are high-quality clothes that were clearly made with great care.

“Sozer?”“… … Ah!.. Yes? ah! this. I was too busy to even thank you for resc

uing me. I would like to formally express my gratitude. “Thank you for savi

ng me from the hands of the wicked.”Both of the girl’s hands were wrapped

around the girl’s body, just before she became a rag by her sword, but ev

en until the end, she held on to her priest’s robe, doing her duty faithfully,

bending her legs and holding her gracefully. I bowed my back. Namgung S

ang-wook was embarrassed by this greeting he had never seen before, but h

【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

e could tell that the grace and polite manners were sincere. The girl’s examp

le, combined with her strange attire that she is wearing, has become a work o

f art. Although the attire was cut with a sword and tattered, it did not cause a

ny harm. Namgung Sang-wook blushed at the sight of the girl’s white, milky

skin visible through her cut clothes.“… … ?”“… … … … . Hum! Hum!”Sensing tha

t the girl’s eyes were on him, Namgung Sang-wook took off his outer robe and

wrapped it around her shoulders. Then she looked up at the stern sky and clear

ed her throat. She was born 24 years ago. I haven’t lived that long, but today

was the first time I felt this embarrassed in front of a woman.“Hum! My name

is Namgung Sangwook and I am the head of the Namgung family. “Excuse me

【VIP알바】 밤알바 당일알바 업소알바 고소득알바

, but may I know Sojeo’s name?””yes. The girl is Margerine’s sword. She is cal

led Yuiri Ren Fiona, who is the chief priest of the province of Afneon. May it b

e a sword in front of a brave warrior.”“… … yes?”Namgoong Sangwook felt emba

rrassed again by the girl’s self-introduction. She spoke clearly, but all she could

make out was what she thought was the name Yuiri (劉怡璃). Seeing Namgoon

g Sangwook’s reaction, Yuiri also realized that this was not the continent she was on.